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Salisbury University: Maryland Sigma

Maryland Sigma began as a local group in January of 1974. We were the first group on the Salisbury State College (now Salisbury University) campus organized to eventually become a chapter of a National Greek Social Fraternity.

OUR Home

The Scarborough Leadership Center is the beacon of light for Greek life at Salisbury University. This building was donated to the school by one of our chapters founders; J. Michael Scarborough.

One of the reasons we are named "Maryland Sigma" is because Michael Scarborough was one of the first men at Salisbury to push for Sigma Alpha Epsilon to be on campus.

How we became "MD Sigma"


Our chapter was founded in Salisbury, Maryland.

Michael Scarbourough

Founder: Mike Scarborough was one of the first members of the interest group that directed and followed the men from early development through installation as a chapter of SAE.

Jim Sakers

Visionary: Jim Sakers (MDBE ’69) had the initial dream and drive to establish a chapter in Salisbury. His personal presence and persistence, province leadership and association with the national Fraternity made the dream come true.

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